Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I have leg but i'll wait for you,i promise :)

TO ANAK ZAINAL ABIDIN,do read dis eh ? :)

malam tadi,kau cakap"sorry if myusahkan aku"
kau tak menyusahkan aku lah,TAK ok?
ingat tu sampai bila bila tau ?
aku takkan lari mcm kawan kawan kau yg dahulu:)
yet kau menanges en pasal tu je ?
ape la,do trust me,i'll eat BR infront of you every year,
tak caye ? wait and see lah ! except if i got fly la nanti :)
if i fly,mase tu you kne la pos LAJU aiskrim BR :))

kau tau asal aku taknak lari ?kau ade,buat aku gembire,sumtyme,im waiting for your call n msg,believe me ! im much more crazier than you,H !

P/s : thanx for completing my LIFE,if anything happen to you,even mende kecik,do tell me,im your bodyGUARD,have you forgotten that ? that's why you pay me as your bodyguard,imy sayang :)


Anonymous said...

anak zainal abidin tu hanan eh?
ohhh, kau curi hanan aku ea?
tak cerita pun ;(

harith kura said...

macam mana nak cerita . nama pun tade .